How does parking in Dover work?

Dover offers a self-serve gated lot that allows customers access to the area 24/7.  The daily fee is $4.00 per day. 

This terminal offers a self-serve gated lot that allows customers access to the area 24/7.  The daily fee is $4.00 per day. 

When approaching the entrance gate, customers can either pull a ticket or insert a credit card into the kiosk to open the gate.  Once inside the gate, customers park in a designated parking space, secure their car and come the terminal to board the bus.

On their return, customers are able to open the exit gate by either inserting their ticket into the kiosk and then pay with a credit card, or inserting the original credit card.

If  a customer either misplaces their parking ticket or prefers to pay with cash, they must go the the front counter to process the transaction.

C&J does not assume any responsibility for damage or theft to self-parked vehicles nor their contents. Customers self-parking do so at their own risk. 

New Parking Lot Layout

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